On the polar vortex streamer dynamics (p. 1-8)

Potential vorticity (PV) streamers and cutoffs are indicators to the Rossby wave breaking (RWB) near the extratropical tropopause. In the Rossby waves breaking, the formation of elongated high-PV stratospheric air tongues extending to the equator and tropospheric low PV air tongues extending to the…

Study of the in fluence of Atlantic water on the ice cover state in the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean using numerical simulation (p. 9-19)

A numerical simulation of the water and sea ice dynamics of the Arctic Ocean was carried out to identify the physical mechanisms that determine the variability of the state of the ice cover. For the research, we used the coupled ocean-ice regional numerical model of the North Atlantic and the Arctic…

Simulation of the near-bottom water warming in the Laptev Sea in 2007-2008 (p. 21-30)

The Laptev Sea, one of the most severe Arctic shelf seas is the focus of the international research on account of a pronounced climate change (warming of the atmosphere temperature, lengthening of the summer open-water season, reduction of the ice extent, rapid coastal erosion). In recent years, as…

The Novosibirsk reservoir hydrothermal regime model (p. 31-49)

In this paper, the adaptation of the SibCIOM three-dimensional thermodynamic model is considered that allows modeling a three-dimensional velocity and temperature distribution, as well as a two-dimensional field of the ice cover for the Novosibirsk reservoir with seasonal changes in the water level…

Reproduction of runoff hydrograph in the Lena River basin with a hydrologically correct digital elevation model (p. 51-58)

A hydrologically correct digital model of the bottom topography of the Lena River basin with a resolution of (1/3)° x (1/3)° is constructed. Based on the linear model of forming a water balance in the river-bed network and a model network of river channels schematized in the form of a graph of a…

Numerical comparison of the source identification problem with the continuation problem for the air quality evaluation scenario (p. 59-66)

In the data assimilation algorithms for the air quality applications, the source identification problem can be considered as an auxiliary one for the solution of the model state function continuation problem. The algorithm based on the ensembles of the adjoint problem solutions is applied to solve…

The use of satellite information to estimate smoke emissions parameters of power stations (p. 67-76)

The satellite observations of smoke plumes from the pipes of power stations make possible to obtain prompt information about the processes of impurities distribution in the atmosphere and about the source parameters. This paper proposes a method of numerical reconstruction of characteristics of the…

Studying the influence of the wind circulation above the Norwegian and the Greenland seas on the Arctic sea ice (p. 1-11)

The numerical results obtained have shown that the dynamic atmosphere factor plays an important role in changing the state of the ice cover. A change in the Atlantic water pathway has an influence on the ice depth in the regions of the Barents Sea, the Fram Strait and the Eurasian shelf slope. The…

Non-existence of the global solution of initial boundary value problem for the incompressible two-velocity medium equation (p. 13-19)

An initial boundary value problem for systems of viscous two-fluid media with equilibrium of pressure phases is considered. Using the test function method proposed by S.I. Pohozhaev and E. Mitidieri, the effect of boundary and initial conditions on the appearance, time and rate of destruction of…

The derivation of the Saint-Venant equations (p. 21-35)

The water motion in real river-beds is described by the mathematical models that under appropriate assumptions are various approximations of hydrodynamic equations, or the Navier-Stokes equations. The mathematical model of a water flow, based on the laws of conservation of momentum and mass of fluid…

The solution of the one-dimensional unsteady flow problem in the Lena river delta (p. 37-47)

The research into the hydrological regime of the river estuaries conventionally concerns the distribution of the flow across their channels and branches.

There is a known hydraulic method for calculating the hydrological regimes in the river deltas [1]. It is based on a system of the balance…

A comparative analysis of kinetically consistent schemes with several grid methods for solving gas-dynamics problems (p. 49-55)

The equations of gas dynamics are an integral part of numerical models of the atmospheric dynamics used for research into variations of climate and anthropogenic changes in the environment. Various modifications of the discrete kinetic models describing a single-particle distribution function are…

Numerical analysis of experimental studies of atmosphere deposition of contaminants in the vicinity of the Novosibirsk city (p. 57-65)

The results of experimental and numerical studies of regional contamination of the snow cover by the atmospheric emissions of impurities coming in the winter period from the territory of Novosibirsk are discussed. The quantitative regularities in removing of impurities are established. The…

Numerical interpretation of land and satellite monitoring data of the snow cover pollution in the Omsk CHP-5 neighborhood (p. 67-76)

Results of the land and satellite investigations of dust pollution of the snow cover in the neighborhood of Omsk CHP-5 are discussed. Based on the model of reconstructing the fields of aerosol impurity losses, the numerical analysis of these observations is carried out. A significant influence of…

The response of the climate system to small temperature perturbations in the Aral Sea region (p. 1-6)

This paper discusses the results of calculations of the climatic river runoff for the subarctic East Siberia region obtained by the linear reservoir model. For the verification of the model, the measurements data as well as the MERRA reanalysis data for the XXth century were used. For the XXIst…

The influence of the ocean currents parameterization on changes in tropical circulation at CO2 concentration doubling (p. 7-11)

In a number of papers, it is shown that the ocean currents velocity considerably affects the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the regions where currents are sufficiently strong. In this paper, the influence of the ocean currents on its response of the atmosphere to changes in CO2

Modeling the impact of the Lena River on the Laptev Sea summer hydrography and submarine permafrost state (p. 13-22)

We have simulated the influence of the Lena River heat and fresh water ux on the Laptev Sea shelf water state based on the coupled regional ocean-ice model and the subsea permafrost model. The numerical results show the variability of the summer hydrological fields on the shelf caused by the…

Calculation of the East Siberian subarctic rivers runoff in the XXIst century (p. 23-28)

This paper discusses the results of calculation of climatic river runoff for the subarctic East Siberia region obtained with a linear reservoir model. For the verification of the model, the measurements data as well as the MERRA reanalysis data for the XXth century were used. For the XXIst century…

The use of meteorological and satellite information for analyzing the snow cover pollution (p. 29-35)

The auras of technogenic pollution of the snow cover observed from the space, and their dependence on the current weather conditions are investigated. On an example of emissions of weighed substances from the Iskitim cement plant, the numerical reconstruction of fields of losses of dust is carried…

A numerical model of bio-aerosols transformation in the atmosphere (p. 37-50)

A non-stationary mathematical model of the bio-aerosols dynamics is considered. It is stated as the initial boundary value problem for integral-differential equation, describing the particle size spectrum dynamics with respect to coagulation, condensation and evaporation processes. The numerical…

Modeling of the nonlinear motion of saturated granular media (p. 51-65)

A nonlinear model of the saturated granular media based on a two-phase mixture model of viscous liquids is proposed. A mathematical model of the two-velocity dynamics of a granular medium involves the temperature phase equilibrium and the absence of the pressure phase equilibrium and is consistent…

On one system of the Burgers equations arising in the two-velocity hydrodynamics (p. 67-76)

A system of the Burgers equations of the two-velocity hydrodynamics is obtained. We consider the Cauchy problem in the case of a one-dimensional system. The estimate of the stability of the solution is obtained. We have obtained a formula for the Cauchy problem for the one-dimensional system of…

Analysis of satellite imagery and surface observations of snow cover pollution (p. 77-83)

Using the reconstruction models, the methods for the joint analysis of satellite and contact observations of the snow cover pollution ghosting in the vicinity of sources of dust have been developed. Based on numerical data analysis of the ground monitoring and satellite imagery, stable quantitative…

Sensivity study of the warm Atlantic layer to diffusion parametrization in the Arctic modeling (p. 1-15)

In this paper, we study the sensivity of the numerical model of the Arctic-North Atlantic Ocean to the way of the diffusion parametrization: standard horizontal/vertical diffusion (HOR), isopycnal mixing scheme, with the Cox approach (ISO); and the Gent-McWilliams parametrization (GM). As a result…

Three-dimensional vortex flows of incompressible two-velocity media at constant saturation of substances (p. 17-25)

A flow of incompressible viscous two-velocity fluids for the case of pressure equilibrium of phases at constant saturation of substances is described with the help of scalar functions. A system of differential equations for these functions is obtained. An example illustrating this method is…

Numerical simulation of forming temperature anomalies in the Laptev Sea (p. 27-34)

Based on the numerical modeling, a possibility of the existence of the temperature anomalies in the Laptev Sea shelf areas due to the heat sink of the Lena River is investigated. To determine the heat flow at the outlet to the sea, the linear regression formulas to connect the river water…

Modeling for simulation of the river runoff in the Ob-Irtysh basin (p. 35-39)

This paper presents the results of modeling of the river runoff for the Ob-Irtysh basin using the climate runoff model in the XXth and XXIst centuries. This model is a linear reservoir one. The flow of water is divided into the surface runoff, the river flow and the groundwater flow. The model takes…

Mathematical modeling of the submarine permafrost long-term dynamics and gas hydrate stability zone in the Siberian Arctic shelf (p. 41-54)

Results of the mathematical modeling of the dynamics of the submarine permafrost and the methane hydrate stability zone in the sediment of the East Siberian Arctic shelf are presented. The thickness of permafrost on the shelf is 175—320 m for the geothermal heat flux 60 mW/m according to the results…

The results of numerical simulation of the Lena River runoff with the assimilation of satellite data: summer 2008 (p. 55-72)

The paper discusses the results of preliminary experiments to test the quality of the data assimilation procedure based on the use of ensemble Kalman filter applied to the basin of the Laptev Sea in the vicinity of the Lena Delta. As perturbation we used the river runoff closure, and as the true…

Numerical analysis of benzo[a]pyrene pollution data in the vicinity of power plant (p. 73-80)

A model for reconstructing the surface concentration of a heavy non-homogeneous substance transferred into the atmosphere is proposed. The model is used to simulate the snow surface contamination by benzopyrene in the vicinity of Power Plant-3 in the city of Barnaul. The wind rotation effects in the…

A coupled hydrodynamic system of the Lena River delta and the Laptev Sea shelf zone: the model tuning and preliminary results of numerical simulation (p. 81-103)

This paper describes a new model of the hydrodynamic system consisting of the Lena River delta and the Laptev Sea shelf zone. The description of a complex fluvial system with many channels, watercourses and estuarine areas is based on the numerical solution of the Saint—Venant equations. The method…

Monitoring of snow cover dust pollution near a cement plant (p. 105-111)

The results of field studies of the snow cover pollution by inorganic dust around an industrial enterprise for the cement production in the winter season of 2012-2013 are discussed. Based on the field fallout, the numerical reconstruction has shown the existence of stable quantitative regularities…

Simulation of the Hadley circulation seasonal variation using a general atmosphere circulation model of medium complexity (p. 1-8)

In this paper, the Hadley circulation is simulated with the use of a model of medium complexity, its response to the atmosphere temperature changes is estimated. The stream function is used to estimate the tropical circulation changes. It is shown that with a temperature meridional gradient decrease…

The subgrid modeling for Maxwell's equations with multiscale isotropic random conductivity and permittivity (p. 9-17)

The effective coefficients in the Maxwell's equations are calculated for a multiscale isotropic medium using a subgrid modeling approach. The correlated fields of conductivity and permittivity are mathematically represented by a Kolmogorov multiplicative continuous cascades with a lognormal…

A semi-Lagrangian scheme for convection equations sing the finite element method (p. 19-28)

This paper considers a semi-Lagrangian scheme (SLS) for solving convection equations. The transport equations, as written in the Lagrangian form at each time step, are approximated on the basis of a weak form using a finite element method representation with various coordinate functions: delta…

Application of a mixed finite element method for solving 2D nonlinear vorticity equation in a variable bottom water basin (p. 29-41)

Based on the splitting in terms of physical processes and with respect to time and on a finite element method (FEM) as applied to a 2D nonlinear vorticity equation, a scheme with two splitting steps is obtained. For constructing FEM operators at the steps of splitting in terms of physical processes…

The role of the Siberian rivers in increasing dissolved methane in the East Siberian shelf (p. 43-56)

Based on the climatic picture of circulation the problem of modeling the dissolved methane in the Arctic Ocean with a drain of the Siberian Rivers is considered. The regional large-scale ocean model, developed in the ICM&MG, SB RAS is used. The distribution of the dissolved methane in the sea water…

On studying morphological features of impact craters using the Earth's remote sensing materials (p. 57-69)

This paper gives a brief review of the new methods of studying the impact craters morphology using real data from "Catalog of the Earth's Impact structures" (2057 events), presented at the site of the "Mathematical problems in Geophysics" laboratory of ICM&MG [1]. For the research it is offered to…

Numerical analysis of aerosol radionuclide fall-outs from accident outbursts into the atmosphere (p. 71-78)

The problem of the assessment of the quantitative characteristics of radioactive pollutions in the environment in response to accidents at atomic stations and enterprises of the nuclear technological cycle is a pressing task. Application of methods of the direct simulation of pollution transport…

A numerical model of density currents in estuaries of the siberian rivers (p. 79-88)

A numerical model for studying the dynamic mixing of the sea and river water in the estuarial area is proposed. Computations are based on the two-dimensional longitudinal vertical stratified fluid mechanics equations and the equation of transport of salt. The model focuses on the reproduction of…

Analysis of particle size distribution in fields loss volcanic ash (p. 89-93)

A model estimating the size of the particles of ash at different distances from the source of the volcanic eruption is proposed. In these field studies of tephra deposits in the vicinity of the volcano Chikurachky (Paramushir, the Kuril Islands, the fields of a characteristic size of particles…

Comparison of FDM and FEM models for a 2D gravity current in the atmosphere over a valley (p. 95-101)

A 2D version of a 3D nonhydrostasic finite-difference meteorological model is compared with a 2D finite-element model used to simulate the effects of atmospheric front propagation over a 2D valley. The front surface is described in the models by an equation for advection of a scalar substance, which…

The influence of the stratosphere polar vortex dynamics upon a low troposphere thermal stratification (p. 1-7)

In this paper, the response of the extratropical troposphere to a decrease in the polar stratosphere temperature, which is followed by strengthening the polar vortex, is studied with the use of the spectral general circulation model with symmetric boundary conditions on the surface and a heat source…

Application of a mixed finite element method for solving 2D nonlinear vorticity equation (p. 9-17)

A new two-step scheme has been obtained as a result of application of the finite element method (FEM) and the splitting up method to the 2D nonlinear vorticity equation. At the first step, the conforming piecewise-linear finite elements are used; at the second step, non-conforming ones are made use…

Modeling of methane flows in the atmosphere resulting from seabed fluid discharge (p. 19-28)

Reservoirs of geological methane can occur within the sediments at any depth, right up to the seabed. Methane is also sequestered by gas hydrates. One mechanism to release methane from sediments to the ocean is through submarine mud volcanism, hydrocarbon seeps and vents. The 3D mathematical model…

Reconstruction of fields of poly-dispersive impurities falls from high aerosol sources (p. 29-37)

This paper deals with mathematical models of reconstructing the fields of poly-dispersive impurities falls from instant sources as applied to traces of nuclear explosions and accidents. In approximation of a semi-kinematics model of aerosol impurities sedimentation in the atmosphere, the relations…

Assessment of fields of poly-disperse pollutants concentration in the vicinity of a distributed source (p. 39-46)

The models of evaluating the mass and countable concentrations fields of aerosol pollutants in the vicinity of a distributed source were developed using a semi-empirical equation of turbulent diffusion in the surface atmospheric layer. With the models proposed, the fieldwork studies of the surface…

Advantage of using QUICKEST scheme for the approximation of the transport operator in the equations of motion in the ocean circulation model (p. 47-60)

This paper presents a study aimed at improving numerical models of the ocean dynamics. We evaluate the sensitivity of the regional ocean circulation model to the numerical schemes used to approximate the transport operator in the equations of motion; we investigate the influence of the numerical…

The influence of the polar stratospheric vortex dynamics on circulation in troposphere (p. 1-8)

Currently, there is observed an increase of the polar vortex as well as an increase in the temperature gradient. This paper considers the influence of the stratosphere circulation on the troposphere. It has been found that an enhancement of cooling in the polar stratosphere brings about changes in…

The change of the solar activity and the temperature conditions in the high latitudes troposphere of the Siberian region (p. 9-17)

The results of mathematical modeling, which demonstrate the response of the temperature conditions of the atmosphere of the North hemisphere to the changes of the solar activity, are presented. The calculations with the help of the ECSib climatic model (ICM&MG of SB RAS) were carried out. In the…

Hydrological discharge model for the Siberian region (p. 19-24)

The global hydrological cycle in the atmosphere and ocean plays an important role in determination of the climatic state of the Earth. The atmosphere transfers to the continents about 40 th km3 of fresh water per year. Directly above the continents, this volume is supplemented with an additional…

Seasonal variations of the air pollutant concentrations for Krasnoyarsk non-uniform urban territory (p. 25-42)

In this paper, it is shown that there are great differences in seasonal variations of concentrations of the main atmospheric pollutants in various parts of a large urban territory. The city of Krasnoyarsk is used as an example. For this, an observation method proposed by the authors is used. The…

Dynamic-stochastic modeling and four-dimensional analysis of the meteorological fields (p. 43-56)

On the basis of the variational principle, the method of dynamic-probabilistic numerical modeling of ensembles of independent realizations of a complex of space-time stochastic fields is proposed. The ensemble of realizations satisfies the statistical structure of real fields, and the each…

Models of assessment of aerosol impurities in the vicinity of an oil-gas spray (p. 57-63)

Based on the statement of inverse problems of pollutants transfer, the processes of formation of the long-term aerosol impurities of a certain area were theoretically studied. To this end, the properties of similarity of impurities spread processes and the statistical characteristics of wind and the…

On the influence of the horizontal viscosity parametrization on the thermohaline circulation in the ocean model (p. 65-77)

The three-dimensional seasonally forced linear model of the World ocean climate with a real bottom and 24 levels in the vertical coordinate has been developed. The computational domain includes the Arctic ocean. The numerical method is based on using the implicit schemes. The equations of heat and…

Numerical simulation of currents and admixture transport in a multi-arm river channel (p. 79-85)

The paper presents a numerical model of planimetric currents in channel systems of a complicated spatial configuration. The model is based on the two-dimensional Saint–Venant equations. The influence of a non-homogeneous flow structure on the admixture transport processes in the water is studied…

Orographic retardation of a cold atmospheric front (p. 87-92)

The propagation of a cold front over a mountain is simulated by a local non-hydrostatic finite difference model. New conservative difference operators are proposed for the advection terms inside the computational domain. Temperature transport is calculated with semi-Lagrangian scheme and data…

Comparison of the atmospheric response to the sea surface temperature anomalies according to observations and numerical simulation (p. 1-8)

According to the recent observations the world climatic system undergoes essential changes. Some of them are associated with the El-Nino-Southern oscillation. This paper considers the circulation and its response to the sea surface temperature anomalies with the use of the ECSib global circulation…

Modeling and simulation of the urban surface impact on boundary layer structure (p. 9-14)

This study attempts to formulate an improved model for the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The present model employs three new ingredients: 1) an updated expression for the pressure-velocity correlation, 2) an updated expression for the pressure-temperature/concentration correlation, and…

Modeling of hydrodynamical and hydrophysical processes in the Aral Sea (p. 15-29)

The problem of the Aral Sea is an example of ecological hazards caused by the human activity. In the 1960-s, the intensive use of water from the Amu-Darya and the Syr-Darya for irrigation changed the water balance in the Aral Sea resulting in the excess the evaporation over the precipitation and the…

Simulation of spatial distribution of the sea bottom methane hydrates and estimates of the methane fluxes into the atmosphere (p. 31-42)

The estimate of the methane emission from hydrates is based on the data indicating to the location and potential thickness of the hydrate stability zone. Gas hydrate abundance in the marine sediment depends on the gas concentration and the available pore space within certain stability limits. In…

Methods of hydrodynamic modeling of the extreme atmospheric phenomena against theory and observational data (p. 43-54)

Extreme atmospheric phenomena include thunder-storms, heavy rains, hailstorms, and tornadoes. These events have much in common. They usually develop on the basis of a convective cloud of the vertical size exceeding 10 km. The width of strips of heavy rain, hailstorm, or tornado is approximately the…

Numerical modeling of the Japan Sea: preliminary results (p. 55-75)

The numerical modeling of the Japan Sea seasonal variation was performed by means of the regional ocean circulation model designed in the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Novosibirsk, Russia) with a simple data assimilation scheme. The aim was to get a better…

Regularities of the pollution formation in the axial part of the East-Ural radioactive trace (p. 77-83)

Models for the assessment of regional pollution of the territory from a high-altitude aerosol source were constructed on the basis of solutions of the semi-empiric equation of turbulent diffusion. The models were tested using the observational data from the East-Ural radioactive trace, which was…

Numerical research into channel currents with a flat plain model (p. 85-91)

Mathematical modeling is a tool of the prime importance for the run-off formation study. It gains in importance under condition of a sparse and out-of date monitoring network typical of majority of the Siberia regions. In analyzing the spatial-temporal laws of the run-off formation in large river…

On the influence of fires on cloud and precipitation formation (p. 1-8)

During forest fires the heat, moisture, and aerosols are carried out to the troposphere due to the intensive convective activity above zones of burning. The influence of these substances on processes of cloud and precipitation formation is studied with the help of numerical eddy-resolving model of…

The influence of external factors on mathematical modeling of the Siberian regional climate (p. 9-16)

The experiments on the research of the influence of the modified external parameters of the atmospheric model to atmospheric characteristics were carried out. Our main interest is in the study of the change of some computed characteristics in the Siberian region.

Modeling of land hydrology with the use of topographical features (p. 17-27)

For the last few years, much progress has been made towards representing the hydrology processes in the land-surface parameterization schemes. With an increased interest in the prediction of runoff and soil moisture under the current and changed climate conditions, an understanding has been that the…

Interannual and interdecadial variability in the North Pacific SST (p. 29-36)

In the present paper, two methods are used to analyze the SST data from the ECMRWF and the NCEP/NCAR datasets. The first is a classical EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis, which allows reconstructing the El-Nino, the La-Nina events with a good accuracy only by the first few EOF. However…

Inverse problems of estimating radioactive impurities of the Enisei river basin (p. 37-41)

When handling and interpreting results of experimental studying radioactive impurities of rivers using methods of formulation of both direct and inverse problems as related to impurities transport, there can arise essential difficulties associated with inadequacy of mathematical models used to…

Numerical modeling of convective currents in a reservoir coastal zone (p. 43-49)

Peculiarities of the coastal flows in a water reservoir are mainly conditioned by a bottom geometry and coastal curvatures. The periods of conducting water layer cooling initiate an intensive vertical exchange which in turn generates a complex structure near the coastal flow. Such a mechanism of…

Estimation of topography constraints on the numerical stability of a mountain wave simulation (p. 51-56)

A three-dimensional nonhydrostatic meteorological model is applied to modeling of mountain waves. Numerical schemes with central differences in time and space on staggered grids are used at the so-called "adjustment" time integration stage. These schemes, being unconditionally stable for plane…

Simulation of meteorological field variations associated with changes in different-level cloud formation conditions (p. 1-9)

Numerical experiments have been performed in order that the response of the surface thermobaric fields to changes in the formation conditions of different-level clouds be investigated. On the average, a 20% increase of the coupling coefficient between the amount of low clouds and relative humidity…

The role of ocean dynamics in the Arctic water contamination (p. 11-17)

Using a rough resolution model of the ice-ocean interaction and seasonal atmosphere climate data, the main feature of the Arctic ocean circulation and ice drift were reproduced. On the basis of the restored dynamics the transport of contaminated materials from the Yenisey river mouth in the Kara Sea…

Application of a three-dimensional numerical model for estimation of atmosphere pollution with mountain-valley circulation (p. 19-28)

The paper deals with the problem of dispersing some polluting substances on the basis of application of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. A brief description of the model is given. The real profiles of wind velocity are used for the calculation of dispersing fields. This enables us to reveal…

Simulation of atmospheric methane distribution after releasing methane caused by plausible destabilization of methane hydrates (p. 29-36)

Methane possesses the radiative efficiency higher than that of carbon dioxide. To estimate the potential impact of the change in the global distribution of methane concentration - due to CH4 emission from marine sediments of the continental shelf - on climate, scenario calculations were carried out…

The North Pacific variability during 1981-1991: modeling and comparison with the reanalysis and satellite data (p. 37-44)

The development of realistic ocean circulation models may improve our understanding of the ocean processes and enable the prediction of the ocean response to the external forcing. The reanalysis and satellite data may be selected as control data for the simulated variations of the temperature fields…

Dust transport from industrial cities to large distances (p. 45-50)

It is well known that industrial centers are powerful sources of emission into the atmosphere of lot of pollutants transported with aerosol particles. As a result, the formation of antropogenically changing bio-geochemical provinces takes place. There are some examples of air pollution…

On possible increase of the methane flux into the atmosphere from the destabilized methane-hydrates under changes of the ocean surface temperature (p. 51-58)

The possibility of methane-hydrate decomposition due to global climate changes is investigated using the world ocean model. It is supposed that the temperature of the ocean surface rises up to 1.5º during 50 years and then decreases to 1.5º. The climatic model of the ocean is integrated for the…

Coordinate transformation for a small-scale meteorological model (p. 59-64)

A terrain-following coordinate transformation is introduced into a small-scale meteorological model by using a variational approach based on the Hamiltonian principle. The coordinate transformation is explicitly formulated in the corresponding Lagrange function. In this way, limitations on orography…

On the numerical modeling of the World Ocean circulation in the sigma coordinate system (p. 1-16)

The World Ocean Circulation Model based on the σ-coordinate transformation was modified to improve the pressure gradient force approximation and the diffusion transport presentation. The model was integrated for 1000 years to reproduce the general circulation and the thermohaline distribution for…

Modeling of methane emission from bog ecosystems (p. 17-26)

In this work, a process-based approach is considered to simulate diurnal and seasonal dynamics of the methane flux in bog ecosystems, based on a parameterization of biological and physical-chemical processes leading to emission of CH4 to the atmosphere as suggested by Walter and Heimann (1999). A…

Diagnostic calculations of the Kuroshio current using the hydrographic data South of Japan (p. 27-34)

The major objective of the paper is to continue the study of the Kuroshio current “bimodality” South of Japan. The observational data were obtained in 40 oceanographic cruises by the FERHRI vessels during the period 1980-1990. Some of these periods were characterized by the on-shore (shelf), non…

Numerical modeling of a coherent structures ensemble with convection in the atmospheric boundary layer (p. 35-41)

Some results of the numerical integration of the atmospheric hydrothermodynamics equations with the help of the LES approach are presented. It is shown that convective ensemble elements can generate macrostructures with various spatial geometries. The configuration and scales of the supercells…

Notes on pressure gradient correction (p. 43-58)

The new pressure gradient correction method was developed for the models with topography-following coordinate system. The test experiments were based on the upwelling and downwelling modeling in Great Australian Bight. They show that new method gives more reliable correction in comparison with…

Large-eddy simulation of the coupled plankton-convection ecosystem in the ice-covered deep lake: maintenance of non-motile heavy diatoms in the photic zone (p. 59-68)

The first results of the construction of complex numerical models for physical and biological systems of a deep ice-covered lake in early biological spring period are presented. This complex includes an eddy-resolving model of the convective mixing in the under-ice water layer and a model for the…

Simulation of the global ocean response to warming and cooling the surface waters at century scale (p. 69-75)

A three-dimensional large-scale geostrophic model of climate of the World Ocean with realistic topography is presented. The experiments on the response of the model on variations of the ocean surface temperature were carried out: warming by 1.5 degrees during 50 years, cooling by 1.5 degrees during…

Richardson's extrapolation without interpolation in problems of advective-diffusive transport (p. 77-85)

It is offered to use Richardson's extrapolation on the basis of the up-wind scheme. Four difference problems with double grid steps at each grid point are solved simultaneously in one iteration process, which allows one to obtain a difference solution with the double grid step for all the grid…

Model of dynamics of atmosphere with monotone numerical schemes (p. 1-8)

On the base of integral identity numerical schemes, monotonic and conditional monotonic schemes, for the solution of a three-dimensional problem of thermodynamics of the atmosphere have been constructed. The models have been realized with respect to these two schemes, as well the numerical research…

Modeling of a pollutant spreading from high sources in atmosphere (p. 9-15)

The need to estimate an influence of high sources to the air quality near the land surface by mathematical methods leads to the construction of models describing the processes of a polutants spreading in atmosphere. One peculiarity of this problem is the following. The source of a pollutant arranges…

Simulation of global atmospheric methane cycle (p. 17-24)

In the previous study the three-dimensional climatic model, with realistic representation of global circulation, supplemented by the continuity equation for methane (CH4) has been considered as a tracer transport model On the basis of this model there has been performed the simulation of the…

Variability of the North Pacific circulation model under the surface forcing from re-analysis data (p. 25-34)

The 3-D finite element North Pacific Circulation Model developed in the Novosibirsk Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (ICMMG) is used to study the sensitivity of the North Pacific circulation to the varying boundary conditions at the sea surface. The initial…

An axially symmetric numerical model for the emergence of a tornado in a mesoscale cyclone (p. 35-42)

Spouts and tornadoes are phenomena that are especially dangerous. They are accompanied by very strong winds and cumulonimbus, shower, hail, and charge clouds. The vertical dimensions of a tornado are, as a rule, several fold larger than its horizontal dimensions, since intensive motion usually…

Variational methods of information assimilation in the problem of probabilistic modeling of hydrometeoroligical fields (p. 43-54)

In the paper, a new method of simulation of independent climatic realizations of space-time fields of hydrometeorological elements with some set of statistical characteristics of real fields based on the variational principle of information assimilation is proposed. This method is allowed to combine…

Numerical eddy-resolving model of nonstationary penetrative convection in the spring solar heating of ice-covered lakes (p. 55-64)

An eddy-resolving model of the penetrating turbulent convection in the ice-covered large lakes in moderate altitudes in the spring radiation heating has been constructed. A scheme of energy transformations in the simulated phenomenon is described. A comparison of the calculation results with natural…

Mathematical simulation of the methane inflow into the atmosphere from the ocean methanehydrates under the ocean warming (p. 65-71)

It is supposed that with the climate variability, the temperature of the ocean surface begins its raising by 0.03 degree annually during 50 years and then decrease up to primal value for 50 years. The climatic model of the ocean with 24 levels on a vertical is further integrated for the period of…

On the deep water formation in the World Ocean model (p. 73-78)

This paper reports the results from coarse-resolution World Ocean numerical experiments on simulation of the mechanism of the deep water formations in high latitudes of the North Atlantic and in the Southern Ocean. The global large scale geostrophic ocean circulation model with 5 degree resolution…

Application of eddy-resolving models for penetrating turbulent convection in the atmosphere and deep lakes (p. 79-88)

This paper presents the results of the numerical research into the generation of the free thermal convection in the atmosphere and lakes on the basis of the mesoscale eddy-resolving models. The surface values of the heat flux into the atmosphere and the temperature of the lake surface are taken from…

Modeling of barotropic fluid dynamics on the sphere based on the contour dynamics (p. 89-98)

In this paper, a solution of equations of the barotropic fluid evolution in the spherical geometry by the method of the contour dynamics is considered. Integro-differential equations for velocity and some dynamic characteristics are obtained. The motions and interactions of some vortex structures on…

Simulation of seasonal geographic patterns of methane using observation data (p. 1-10)

The three-dimensional global climatic model is employed as a tracer transport model to the study of atmospheric distributions of methane. Methane is input at appropriate surface grid points. The 4-year model experiment was run using sparse observed data at 19 sampling sites for the period 1984-1987…

The use of satellite remote sensing data in numerical modeling of the North Pacific circulation] (p. 11-26)

A numerical model constructed in the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (the former Novosibirsk Computing Center), based on the finite element method has been used for investigation of the sensitivity of the Pacific ocean circulation to a climatic (Hellerman and…

A qualitative theory to explain the fractal properties of convective turbulence (p. 27-40)

The hydrodynamics statistical model which qualitatively explains the fractal features of the atmospheric convection has been suggested.

On sensitivity of the World Ocean model to the vertical resolution (p. 41-53)

The three-dimensional linear model of the World ocean climate (with real bottom) is presented. The numerical method is based on the implicit schemes. The equations of heat and salt transport with respect to horizontal coordinates are approximated by the nine-point difference scheme, obtained by the…

A difference algorithm for a small-scale non-hydrostatic meteorological model (p. 55-60)

A numerical scheme for the advection part of a small-scale mathematical-meteorological model developed earlier is proposed. The algorithm has a technical advantage when dealing with implicit difference schemes. The flow produced by the meteorological model serves as a basis for…

Hamiltonian systems with continuous spectrum and vortex structures in rotating fluid (p. 1-9)

The problem of small oscillations of rotating inviscid incompressible fluid is considered. The linearization of the Euler equation in the rotating coordinate system on the solution, which corresponds to the rotation of the fluid as a rigid body around z–axis, gives the system of differential…

A finite-difference model of atmosphere (ECSib) for climatic investigations (p. 11-19)

The climate and variability of the large-scale Nortem Hemisphere winter and summer tropospheric circulation are studied and some atmospheric statistics is presented.

A numerical modeling of the global ocean meridional thermohaline circulation (p. 21-29)

A two-dimensional, zonally averadged, latitude-depth ocean model is proposed. Numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the global process of the thermoline circulation in frames of this simple model to apply the results of investigations to three-dimensional model.

Some aspects of mathematical modeling using the models together with observational data (p. 31-52)

The methods of the solution of optimization problems on the basis of variational principle are described. They use numerical models together with observational data. In particularly, the problems of sensitivity investigations and data assimilation are considered. The algorithmic advantages of the…

The investigation of the sea–ice model thermodynamic regimes (p. 53-66)

The analysis of the dynamics of ice growth and melting over the sea water is presented by this paper. According to the system of equation proposed by Hibler 3 thermal regimes are possible: ice growth due to atmospheric cooling, ice melting due to oceanic warming and ice melting caused by the heat…

Numerical model of methane transport by the ocean currents (p. 67-80)

A series of scenario experiments with three-dimensional model of dissolved gas transfer by ocean currents are given. The current domains and climatic state of the ocean are received from three-dimensional model of dynamics of the World Ocean, including seasonal variability. For approximation of…

Mathematical modeling of the Siberian regional climate (p. 1-10)

The regional model of the atmospheric dynamics is presented. The model is a component of the global climatic model ECSib, has the increased spatial resolution and is designed for the reproduction of the climatic atmospheric characteristics on spatial scales not described by the global model. In the…

Land surface model within climate model ECSib (p. 11-24)

Vegetation is important for many ecological studies because it determines the rate of SO2 during photosynthesis as well as for hydrologic and atmospheric studies as it effects on the latent heat flux. The most detailed parameterizations of vegetation are often found in the land surface models…

Diagnostic calculation of two Kuroshio states (p. 25-42)

The major objective of the present paper is to make the diagnosis of two Kuroshio states and to analyze them from the point of view of their specific features and to make the comparison with the situations discussed in the literature. Another target of the paper is to extend the diagnostic approach…

Diagnostic calculation of the North Pacific circulation based on seasonal climatic data (p. 43-56)

The present paper deals with the study of the North Pacific circulation and its seasonal variability according to Levitus (1994) and Hellerman, Rosenstein (1982) climatic data. The Novosibirsk Computing Center North Pacific Circulation Model based on the finite element technique was used for the…

Numerical study of climate formation and atmospheric pollution in industrial regions (p. 57-69)

A numerical model for mesoclimate and atmospheric pollution in industrial region is presented. Both anthropogenic and natural factors are included. One of the case studies is discussed.

Designing of gradient measurements in the atmospheric surface layer (p. 70-76)

The problem of estimating the parameters of the atmospheric surface layer from the data of gradient observations of wind velocity and temperature is considered. The numerical method of analyzing measurements and sequential design of experiment is proposed. For the temperature--stratified surface…

Mathematical simulation of methane inflow into the atmosphere from decomposed subbottom methanehydrates (p. 77-82)

It is assumed that with the global warming the temperature of the ocean surface begins its raising by 0.08 degrees annually. The climatic model of the ocean is further integrated for the period of 50 years and simulates penetrations of warming from the surface deep into the ocean. A three…

A limited area nonlinear normal mode initialization (p. 1-11)

The paper presents a method of nonlinear normal mode initialization which is used in the operational technology of the regional numerical weather prediction for the Siberian region. This technology has been developed at the Siberian Hydrometeorological Research Institute. The comparison of results…

North Pasific diagnostic circulation model (p. 13-30)

Numerical diagnostic model, based on the finite element method is presented in the paper. Numerical experiments for the estimation of the role of wind and thermohaline factors in the North Pacific basin were carried out by the model. Diagnostic calculations both the integral stream function and 3-d…

Global attractors for the Lorenz model on the sphere (p. 31-40)

The Lorenz model of baroclinic flows on two-dimensional sphere is considered in this article. The existence of a global attractors of the model is established.

Inverse problem of estimation of emission source parameters in the atmospheric boundary layer (p. 41-52)

The inverse problem of the reconstruction of the effective source height and the strength from observed data of ground-level pollutant concentration is considered by solving the semiempirical equation of turbulent diffusion. Hanna’s parametrization under conditions of the intensive exchange is used…

The adjoint problem and sensitivity algorithms for the model of atmospheric hydrodynamics in σ–coordinates (p. 53-74)

Variational statement of the hydrodynamical atmospheric problem in σ-coordinates is considered. The system of the adjoint equations and algorithms for the sensitivity investigation of the numerical model to the variations of input parameters are constructed. The example of the system organization of…

Modification of Bougeault—Andre mixing length hypothesis and its numerical verification (p. 75-84)

This paper represents an attempt to improve the parameterization scheme, proposed by Bougeault and Andre. Modification deals with non-local feature of the turbulent mixing and proposes some kernel convolution form for the turbulent mixing length. This kernel is an influence function of the…

A numerical model of thermal bar in lake Baikal (p. 85-99)

A two-dimensional compressible nonhydrostatic numerical model is proposed for the simulation of thermal bar in a deep freshwater lake. An equation of state is used which shows a nonlinear dependence of density on temperature and pressure. Numerical experiments demonstrate the peculiarities of the…

Numerical simulation of orographic waves using an atmospheric model with artificial compressibility (p. 101-107)

A three-dimensional mathematical model of local climate based on the artificial compressibility approach is considered. No outer iterations are necessary in order to solve the diagnostic equation for the pressure in complex terrain. Higher order approximation schemes based on the splitting up method…

The ocean response to the tropical cyclone over the Kuroshio region (p. 1-16)

The ocean response to the tropical cyclone over the Kuroshio region is studied to obtain some information about the 3-D structures of temperature and current tendencies. The data for temperature and salinity used in this investigation were obtained at Far East Hydrometeorological Institute…

The finite-difference model of the atmospherical dynamics with the conservation laws (p. 17-31)

A description of the basic model of atmosphere, which has been worked out in Siberian Scientific Hydrometeorological Institute and Computing Center of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences, is presented in this paper. Some concervations laws of the model allow to realize long-time…

Instability of convective cells and genesis of different scale convective structures (p. 33-67)

The article is devoted to the theoretical investigation of atmospheric convection on the base of analytical, semi-analytical and numerical solving equations of deep and shallow convection. The studies conducted have allowed the following conclusions: the heat of convective turbulence is convective…

Numerical methods of model quality estimations and assimilation of observations (p. 69-90)

The methods of the combined use of mathematical models and observed data for the environmental monitoring and forecasting purposes are described. The interaction between models and data are based on variational principle. It includes the reconstruction of state functions, identification of…

Compressibility effects in lake hydrodynamics (p. 91-103)

A non-hydrostatic version of mathematical model of deep temperate lake is formulated. Water is treated as compressible. Nonlinear relation corresponds density with temperature and pressure. Numerical procedure is based on variational principle in the combination with splitting methods. Two…