Comparison of the atmospheric response to the sea surface temperature anomalies according to observations and numerical simulation

According to the recent observations the world climatic system undergoes essential changes. Some of them are associated with the El-Nino-Southern oscillation. This paper considers the circulation and its response to the sea surface temperature anomalies with the use of the ECSib global circulation…

Modeling and simulation of the urban surface impact on boundary layer structure

This study attempts to formulate an improved model for the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The present model employs three new ingredients: 1) an updated expression for the pressure-velocity correlation, 2) an updated expression for the pressure-temperature/concentration correlation, and…

Modeling of hydrodynamical and hydrophysical processes in the Aral Sea

The problem of the Aral Sea is an example of ecological hazards caused by the human activity. In the 1960-s, the intensive use of water from the Amu-Darya and the Syr-Darya for irrigation changed the water balance in the Aral Sea resulting in the excess the evaporation over the precipitation and the…

Simulation of spatial distribution of the sea bottom methane hydrates and estimates of the methane fluxes into the atmosphere

The estimate of the methane emission from hydrates is based on the data indicating to the location and potential thickness of the hydrate stability zone. Gas hydrate abundance in the marine sediment depends on the gas concentration and the available pore space within certain stability limits. In…

Methods of hydrodynamic modeling of the extreme atmospheric phenomena against theory and observational data

Extreme atmospheric phenomena include thunder-storms, heavy rains, hailstorms, and tornadoes. These events have much in common. They usually develop on the basis of a convective cloud of the vertical size exceeding 10 km. The width of strips of heavy rain, hailstorm, or tornado is approximately the…

Numerical modeling of the Japan Sea: preliminary results

The numerical modeling of the Japan Sea seasonal variation was performed by means of the regional ocean circulation model designed in the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Novosibirsk, Russia) with a simple data assimilation scheme. The aim was to get a better…

Regularities of the pollution formation in the axial part of the East-Ural radioactive trace

Models for the assessment of regional pollution of the territory from a high-altitude aerosol source were constructed on the basis of solutions of the semi-empiric equation of turbulent diffusion. The models were tested using the observational data from the East-Ural radioactive trace, which was…

Numerical research into channel currents with a flat plain model

Mathematical modeling is a tool of the prime importance for the run-off formation study. It gains in importance under condition of a sparse and out-of date monitoring network typical of majority of the Siberia regions. In analyzing the spatial-temporal laws of the run-off formation in large river…