The paper presents a method of nonlinear normal mode initialization which is used in the operational technology of the regional numerical weather prediction for the Siberian region. This technology has been developed at the Siberian Hydrometeorological Research Institute. The comparison of results…
Numerical diagnostic model, based on the finite element method is presented in the paper. Numerical experiments for the estimation of the role of wind and thermohaline factors in the North Pacific basin were carried out by the model. Diagnostic calculations both the integral stream function and 3-d…
The Lorenz model of baroclinic flows on two-dimensional sphere is considered in this article. The existence of a global attractors of the model is established.
The inverse problem of the reconstruction of the effective source height and the strength from observed data of ground-level pollutant concentration is considered by solving the semiempirical equation of turbulent diffusion. Hanna’s parametrization under conditions of the intensive exchange is used…
Variational statement of the hydrodynamical atmospheric problem in σ-coordinates is considered. The system of the adjoint equations and algorithms for the sensitivity investigation of the numerical model to the variations of input parameters are constructed. The example of the system organization of…
This paper represents an attempt to improve the parameterization scheme, proposed by Bougeault and Andre. Modification deals with non-local feature of the turbulent mixing and proposes some kernel convolution form for the turbulent mixing length. This kernel is an influence function of the…
A two-dimensional compressible nonhydrostatic numerical model is proposed for the simulation of thermal bar in a deep freshwater lake. An equation of state is used which shows a nonlinear dependence of density on temperature and pressure. Numerical experiments demonstrate the peculiarities of the…
A three-dimensional mathematical model of local climate based on the artificial compressibility approach is considered. No outer iterations are necessary in order to solve the diagnostic equation for the pressure in complex terrain. Higher order approximation schemes based on the splitting up method…