The response of the climate system to small temperature perturbations in the Aral Sea region

This paper discusses the results of calculations of the climatic river runoff for the subarctic East Siberia region obtained by the linear reservoir model. For the verification of the model, the measurements data as well as the MERRA reanalysis data for the XXth century were used. For the XXIst…

The influence of the ocean currents parameterization on changes in tropical circulation at CO2 concentration doubling

In a number of papers, it is shown that the ocean currents velocity considerably affects the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the regions where currents are sufficiently strong. In this paper, the influence of the ocean currents on its response of the atmosphere to changes in CO2

Modeling the impact of the Lena River on the Laptev Sea summer hydrography and submarine permafrost state

We have simulated the influence of the Lena River heat and fresh water ux on the Laptev Sea shelf water state based on the coupled regional ocean-ice model and the subsea permafrost model. The numerical results show the variability of the summer hydrological fields on the shelf caused by the…

Calculation of the East Siberian subarctic rivers runoff in the XXIst century

This paper discusses the results of calculation of climatic river runoff for the subarctic East Siberia region obtained with a linear reservoir model. For the verification of the model, the measurements data as well as the MERRA reanalysis data for the XXth century were used. For the XXIst century…

The use of meteorological and satellite information for analyzing the snow cover pollution

The auras of technogenic pollution of the snow cover observed from the space, and their dependence on the current weather conditions are investigated. On an example of emissions of weighed substances from the Iskitim cement plant, the numerical reconstruction of fields of losses of dust is carried…

A numerical model of bio-aerosols transformation in the atmosphere

A non-stationary mathematical model of the bio-aerosols dynamics is considered. It is stated as the initial boundary value problem for integral-differential equation, describing the particle size spectrum dynamics with respect to coagulation, condensation and evaporation processes. The numerical…

Modeling of the nonlinear motion of saturated granular media

A nonlinear model of the saturated granular media based on a two-phase mixture model of viscous liquids is proposed. A mathematical model of the two-velocity dynamics of a granular medium involves the temperature phase equilibrium and the absence of the pressure phase equilibrium and is consistent…

On one system of the Burgers equations arising in the two-velocity hydrodynamics

A system of the Burgers equations of the two-velocity hydrodynamics is obtained. We consider the Cauchy problem in the case of a one-dimensional system. The estimate of the stability of the solution is obtained. We have obtained a formula for the Cauchy problem for the one-dimensional system of…

Analysis of satellite imagery and surface observations of snow cover pollution

Using the reconstruction models, the methods for the joint analysis of satellite and contact observations of the snow cover pollution ghosting in the vicinity of sources of dust have been developed. Based on numerical data analysis of the ground monitoring and satellite imagery, stable quantitative…