Valery N. Martynov List of Articles: Khairetdinov M. Glinsky B. Karavaev D. Martynov V. Yakimenko A. Algorithms and methods for the numerical simulation of seismic wave fields in cavernous zones // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 2010 . — # 13. — P. 71-78 Glinsky B. Karavaev D. Kovalevsky V. Martynov V. Modeling of wave fields for various structures of mud volcanoes // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 2008 . — # 12. — P. 1-14 Kuzin V. Martynov V. Diagnostic calculations of the Kuroshio current using the hydrographic data South of Japan // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2001 . — # 7. — P. 27-34 Kuzin V. Moiseev V. Martynov V. The use of satellite remote sensing data in numerical modeling of the North Pacific circulation] // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1999 . — # 5. — P. 11-26 Martynov V. Mikhailenko B. Two algorithms for calculation of theoretical seismograms for anisotropic media // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 1999 . — # 5. — P. 105-113 Golubeva E. Kuzin V. Martynov V. Platov G. The ocean response to the tropical cyclone over the Kuroshio region // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1993 . — # 1. — P. 1-16