
The ocean response to the tropical cyclone over the Kuroshio region is studied to obtain some information about the 3-D structures of temperature and current tendencies. The data for temperature and salinity used in this investigation were obtained at Far East Hydrometeorological Institute. Diagnostic and adaptational calculations of currents were made on the basis of 3-D regional ocean circulation model (ROCM).

To simulate interaction between atmosphere and ocean ROCM was completed by the coupled atmosphere-ocean boundary layer model. In addition to the ocean mixed layer parameterization this model contains the turbulent closure model for the lower atmosphere up to 2 km. This model includes parameterization of turbulent length scale, solar and infrared radiation, phase transformation of water vapor, cloudiness, rainfall, convective adjustment. The bulk formulas are used to calculate heat, moisture (salinity) and momentum fluxes between the two media at the sea surface. The boundary conditions at the upper level are taken to simulate the tropical cyclone crossing this region in the north-east direction with the speed 56 km/h.

The resulting fields of temperature, salinity and currents show a very regular structure on the cyclone track. It consists of the mixed layer, deepened and cooled, the very deep Ekman pumping cell, the tendency of the streams to flow round the Idzu islands and the deep horizontal recirculation structure.

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