On the influence of fires on cloud and precipitation formation

During forest fires the heat, moisture, and aerosols are carried out to the troposphere due to the intensive convective activity above zones of burning. The influence of these substances on processes of cloud and precipitation formation is studied with the help of numerical eddy-resolving model of…

The influence of external factors on mathematical modeling of the Siberian regional climate

The experiments on the research of the influence of the modified external parameters of the atmospheric model to atmospheric characteristics were carried out. Our main interest is in the study of the change of some computed characteristics in the Siberian region.

Modeling of land hydrology with the use of topographical features

For the last few years, much progress has been made towards representing the hydrology processes in the land-surface parameterization schemes. With an increased interest in the prediction of runoff and soil moisture under the current and changed climate conditions, an understanding has been that the…

Interannual and interdecadial variability in the North Pacific SST

In the present paper, two methods are used to analyze the SST data from the ECMRWF and the NCEP/NCAR datasets. The first is a classical EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis, which allows reconstructing the El-Nino, the La-Nina events with a good accuracy only by the first few EOF. However…

Inverse problems of estimating radioactive impurities of the Enisei river basin

When handling and interpreting results of experimental studying radioactive impurities of rivers using methods of formulation of both direct and inverse problems as related to impurities transport, there can arise essential difficulties associated with inadequacy of mathematical models used to…

Numerical modeling of convective currents in a reservoir coastal zone

Peculiarities of the coastal flows in a water reservoir are mainly conditioned by a bottom geometry and coastal curvatures. The periods of conducting water layer cooling initiate an intensive vertical exchange which in turn generates a complex structure near the coastal flow. Such a mechanism of…

Estimation of topography constraints on the numerical stability of a mountain wave simulation

A three-dimensional nonhydrostatic meteorological model is applied to modeling of mountain waves. Numerical schemes with central differences in time and space on staggered grids are used at the so-called "adjustment" time integration stage. These schemes, being unconditionally stable for plane…