Vladimir V. Penenko List of Articles: Penenko V. Some aspects of mathematical modeling using the models together with observational data // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1996 . — # 4. — P. 31-52 Penenko V. Korotkov M. Numerical study of climate formation and atmospheric pollution in industrial regions // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1998 . — # 3. — P. 57-69 Penenko V. Tsvetova E. The adjoint problem and sensitivity algorithms for the model of atmospheric hydrodynamics in σ–coordinates // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1995 . — # 2. — P. 53-74 Penenko V. Numerical methods of model quality estimations and assimilation of observations // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 1993 . — # 1. — P. 69-90