Peter Yu. Pushistov List of Articles: Pushistov P. Ievlev K. Ovchinnikova T. Large-eddy simulation of the coupled plankton-convection ecosystem in the ice-covered deep lake: maintenance of non-motile heavy diatoms in the photic zone // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2001 . — # 7. — P. 59-68 Pushistov P. Ievlev K. Numerical eddy-resolving model of nonstationary penetrative convection in the spring solar heating of ice-covered lakes // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2000 . — # 6. — P. 55-64 Shlychkov V. Pushistov P. Application of eddy-resolving models for penetrating turbulent convection in the atmosphere and deep lakes // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2000 . — # 6. — P. 79-88