Simulation of the Hadley circulation seasonal variation using a general atmosphere circulation model of medium complexity

In this paper, the Hadley circulation is simulated with the use of a model of medium complexity, its response to the atmosphere temperature changes is estimated. The stream function is used to estimate the tropical circulation changes. It is shown that with a temperature meridional gradient decrease…

The subgrid modeling for Maxwell's equations with multiscale isotropic random conductivity and permittivity

The effective coefficients in the Maxwell's equations are calculated for a multiscale isotropic medium using a subgrid modeling approach. The correlated fields of conductivity and permittivity are mathematically represented by a Kolmogorov multiplicative continuous cascades with a lognormal…

A semi-Lagrangian scheme for convection equations sing the finite element method

This paper considers a semi-Lagrangian scheme (SLS) for solving convection equations. The transport equations, as written in the Lagrangian form at each time step, are approximated on the basis of a weak form using a finite element method representation with various coordinate functions: delta…

Application of a mixed finite element method for solving 2D nonlinear vorticity equation in a variable bottom water basin

Based on the splitting in terms of physical processes and with respect to time and on a finite element method (FEM) as applied to a 2D nonlinear vorticity equation, a scheme with two splitting steps is obtained. For constructing FEM operators at the steps of splitting in terms of physical processes…

The role of the Siberian rivers in increasing dissolved methane in the East Siberian shelf

Based on the climatic picture of circulation the problem of modeling the dissolved methane in the Arctic Ocean with a drain of the Siberian Rivers is considered. The regional large-scale ocean model, developed in the ICM&MG, SB RAS is used. The distribution of the dissolved methane in the sea water…

On studying morphological features of impact craters using the Earth's remote sensing materials

This paper gives a brief review of the new methods of studying the impact craters morphology using real data from "Catalog of the Earth's Impact structures" (2057 events), presented at the site of the "Mathematical problems in Geophysics" laboratory of ICM&MG [1]. For the research it is offered to…

Numerical analysis of aerosol radionuclide fall-outs from accident outbursts into the atmosphere

The problem of the assessment of the quantitative characteristics of radioactive pollutions in the environment in response to accidents at atomic stations and enterprises of the nuclear technological cycle is a pressing task. Application of methods of the direct simulation of pollution transport…

A numerical model of density currents in estuaries of the siberian rivers

A numerical model for studying the dynamic mixing of the sea and river water in the estuarial area is proposed. Computations are based on the two-dimensional longitudinal vertical stratified fluid mechanics equations and the equation of transport of salt. The model focuses on the reproduction of…

Analysis of particle size distribution in fields loss volcanic ash

A model estimating the size of the particles of ash at different distances from the source of the volcanic eruption is proposed. In these field studies of tephra deposits in the vicinity of the volcano Chikurachky (Paramushir, the Kuril Islands, the fields of a characteristic size of particles…

Comparison of FDM and FEM models for a 2D gravity current in the atmosphere over a valley

A 2D version of a 3D nonhydrostasic finite-difference meteorological model is compared with a 2D finite-element model used to simulate the effects of atmospheric front propagation over a 2D valley. The front surface is described in the models by an equation for advection of a scalar substance, which…