Concurrent testing for timed event structures

The intention of the paper is to extend the testing methodology to true concurrent models with a dense time domain. In particular, we develop three different semantics, based on interleaving, steps, and partial orders of actions, for testing equivalence in the setting of timed event structures. We…

Some modifications of Sugiyama approach

We present a graph drawing algorithm that was developed for real-life call graphs, data flows and class hierarchies. The algorithm is an extension of the hierarchical layout method of Sugiyama. The main difference is that we achieved an orthogonal layout with the maximum number of edge bends equal…

Timed testing for models with internal actions

In the paper, we construct a formula that characterizes a timed event structure with discrete internal actions up to the timed must-preorder.

Options management in RescueWare system

A complex programming system may have a large number of parameters controling its configuration and behavior. The editing, programmatic access, packaging and upgrade of these parameters may become a complicated and time-consuming task. We present a component called Dialogic, which stores options as…

Novel modification of the W-method

Testing strategies based on finite states machines (FSMs) are widely used for protocol test derivation. Most FSM-based methods of test generation are based on the well-known W-method. In this paper, we determine the necessary conditions for a test suite to be complete under an assumption that only…

Cross-program data flow visualization

Maintenance and transformation of large program systems require means for com- prehension of their data dependences. We consider facilities for data flow visualization implemented in the RescueWare® system — a workbench for modernization of legacy systems. One of the key points in the process is the…

Fixed points on abstra t stru tures without the equality test

In this paper, we present a study of the definability properties of fixed points of effective operators on abstract structures without the equality test. In particular, we prove that the Gandy theorem holds for the reals without the equality test. This provides a useful tool for dealing with…

Extended Pascal to C++ converter

The methods of compiler (and converter as a special case) development are sufficiently investigated and described. There are a number of converters from the standard Pascal language to C/C++ languages.

In this work, some translation schemes (that are of theoretical interest, in the authors’ opinion)…