In this paper, we show one of recent GIS-ENDDB algorithms: the algorithm of building seismicity lineaments in terms of Great circles of the Earth. We also show using some other GIS-ENDDB algorithms to identify and to confirm the possibility of existence of global tectonic structures of the lineament…
The calculation of the Novosibirsk reservoir ows with the help of the scheme with two splitting steps and a finite element method (FEM) has been carried out. At these steps, for constructing the FEM operators different types of finite elements are used. In particular, at the step corresponding to…
In this paper, the kinematics of the tsunami wave ray and the wave front in the area, where the depth increases proportional to the squared distance to the straight shoreline, is studied. The exact analytical solution for the wave-ray trajectory above the parabolic bottom topography has been derived…
A unit vector field τ in the Euclidean space E3 is considered. Let P be the vector field from the first Aminov divergent representation K = div[(r•τ)P] for the total curvature of the second kind K of the field τ . For the field P, an invariant representation of the form P = -rot R* is obtained…
In the Euclidean space E3, we consider the family {Lτ} of the curves Lτ with the tangent unit vector τ = τ (x, y, z) and the family {Sτ} of the surfaces Sτ with the unit normal τ which are orthogonal to the curves Lτ , i.e., to the field τ. Each of these families continuously fills in a domain D in…
A family {Sτ} of surfaces Sτ with the unit normal τ = τ (x, y, z) in the Euclidean space E3 is considered. The surfaces Sτ continuously fill a domain D in E3. For the family {Sτ} of surfaces Sτ, the law of conservation div F = 0 is proved, where the solenoidal vector field F is expressed in terms of…
This paper presents the generalized methodology for identifying the morpho-structural features of new, supposedly, impact large-size structures. Those are the following: the presence of the bank and the central raising, the presence of the hydrocarbons deposits and the mineral resources of…
The propagation of elastic waves in strongly heterogeneous media using subgrid modeling approach is studied. The local elastic parameters and the mass density have essential variations in some interval of scales at each spatial point. To approximate a strongly heterogeneous medium, we have started…
In this study, the tsunami source of the 2013 Solomon Island tsunami event was reconstructed by the r-solution method. The focus of this research is the applying the regularities obtained for a model cases to the real event. To understand the reasonable strategy of deployment of a tsunami recorders…