Igor I. KalinnikovE-maili-kalinn@yandex.ru List of Articles: Kalinnikov I. Mikheeva (Osipova) A. The Creepex-analysis of processes in large earthquakes focal zones by the GIS-ENDDB tools on the Tohoku example // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 2020 . — # 22. — P. 11-21 Kalinnikov I. Mikheeva (Osipova) A. Algorithms of building lineaments in the program GIS-ENDDB // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 2016 . — # 19. — P. 1-9 Kalinnikov I. Mikheeva (Osipova) A. The GIS-EEDB computing system, lineaments, and the earthquake prediction problem // Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics. — 2015 . — # 18. — P. 17-34