Effectiveness of Alpha and Itanium microprocessors for the numerical modeling of vibroseismic monitoring of magmatic volcanic chambers

The paper considers theory, methods and experiments aimed at creation of a monitoring system of active volcanos with the use of powerful vibroseismic sources. We propose a concept of creation of a system for studying the geometry of magma chambers, deep faults in the neighborhood of volcanos…

On the relationship between the electrical conductivity with other kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of sedimentary rocks

One of essential attributes of the method of electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamic processes is that under the action of tectonic processes, electrical properties of a geological structure change. Electrical logging data give a large body of information for the study of rocks composing a…

Numerical modeling of the filtration theory problems for saturated porous media

In the given paper, a mathematical model for layered porous media is constructed. A series of numerical experiments is carried out. There is observed a weak dependence of the filtration velocity on the physical properties of a medium as compared to the boundary pressure value.

Increasing of sensitivity of active vibroseismic monitoring method with allowance for wave field nonlinearity

Nonlinear wave processes of radiation and propagation of elastic oscillations in complex subsurface geometries are analyzed in terms of their role in improving the quality of seismic monitoring of geodynamic processes. The efficiency of this approach is illustrated by measuring parameters of seismic…

Numerical algorithms and results of experiments to determine the parameters of the borehole bottom and medium

The basic steps of the method of automatic location of borehole sources have been developed. This has been done by measuring the initial wave characteristics used to solve the inverse problem of determining the source coordinates and velocities of near-borehole media.

The problem of transforming an industrial explosion wave field to a pulsed form

The problem of simulation of an industrial explosion for a vertically inhomogeneous medium has been considered in a general form. An algorithm to transform a wave field to a pulsed form, which uses a priori information about the space distribution of charges and delay times in a quarry explosion, is…

A method for determination of wave rays in non-homogeneous media

In non-homogeneous media with a variable wave propagation velocity it is not so easy to solve the boundary wave ray problem, i.e., to define a wave-ray, which connects two given points of the area. In this paper, an effective method for the wave-rays definition is proposed. The method does not…

Detecting possible impact craters on the Earth's surface using the DEM data processing

A new attempt to the detection of the impact craters and other morphologic structures on the Earth's surface was made using high-tech computational methods. For detection and allocation of such structures, the fast two-dimensional wavelet transformation and the fast nonlinear multiparameter…

The pulse action on saturated porous media

The pulsed action on fluid-saturated nonlinearly deformed porous media is considered. A mathematical model of a nonlinear two-velocity medium was obtained on the basis of the method of conservation laws. The model is thermodynamically consistent and hyperbolic in the reversible approximation. The…

Wave equation inversion with redundance data by the wave field continuation method

The inverse problem of wave scattering for a system of data collected at the observation surface with multiple coverage of sources and receivers is considered. It is shown that this redundant data system is equivalent to the configuration studied previously, in which the receiver point coincides…

Evolution and comparative analysis of group armor- and aeroballistics of ancient and modern ruled and poly-wedge arrows

A comparative analysis of the group aero- and armor ballistics of the ancient and modern poly-wedge arrows is made. The idea formulated is to use these arrows as components of warheads of the carrier rockets for the anti-asteroid defence of the Earth and the orbital stations.

Research into periodic signal processing by the median filters

We discuss a specific nature of the phase-synchronized-weighted (Synphase-Weighted) Median Filters when processing frequency-modulated (possibly, swip) signals recorded at a discrete time. It is shown that the response of the Synphase-Weighted Median Filters weaker depends on the filter length than…