The problem of simulation of an industrial explosion for a vertically inhomogeneous medium has been considered in a general form. An algorithm to transform a wave field to a pulsed form, which uses a priori information about the space distribution of charges and delay times in a quarry explosion, is proposed. The distributed short-delay explosion is considered as a set of point sources of one type located at the same depth under the surface with an arbitrary distribution on the plane. Each source is characterized by its own temporal function and its own delay time. Recording a seismic signal from an explosion at the far zone profile, that is, at distances much longer than its typical size, is considered. The process of formation of a seismogram from a distributed explosion at the profile is investigated, and an algorithm to reduce it to the pulsed form is proposed. In the spatial-time domain, a pulsed seismogram is obtained after the 2D inverse Fourier transform. The transformation function is determined as product of the spectra matrix of individual explosions and the vectors of phase delay functions for frequency and wave number.
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