Dina F. Iakshina (Yusupova)E-mailfeizzdina@gmail.comyusupova.dina.f@gmail.com List of Articles: Iakshina (Yusupova) D. Study of the in fluence of Atlantic water on the ice cover state in the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean using numerical simulation // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2019 . — # 17. — P. 9-19 Iakshina (Yusupova) D. Golubeva E. Studying the influence of the wind circulation above the Norwegian and the Greenland seas on the Arctic sea ice // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2016 . — # 16. — P. 1-11 Golubeva E. Platov G. Malakhova V. Iakshina (Yusupova) D. Kraineva M. Modeling the impact of the Lena River on the Laptev Sea summer hydrography and submarine permafrost state // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2015 . — # 15. — P. 13-22 Iakshina (Yusupova) D. Golubeva E. Sensivity study of the warm Atlantic layer to diffusion parametrization in the Arctic modeling // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2014 . — # 14. — P. 1-15 Iakshina (Yusupova) D. Advantage of using QUICKEST scheme for the approximation of the transport operator in the equations of motion in the ocean circulation model // Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies. — 2010 . — # 12. — P. 47-60