In this paper two nonsolved problems of the Monte Carlo theory are presented. The first of them concernes the uniform boundedness of the "walk on spheres" estimates for the Helmgoltz equation. Another problem is the important example from the minimax Monte Carlo theory for evaluating of many…
In this paper the algorithms of Monte Carlo methods for solving the n-dimensional Helmholtz equation are investigated. The dependence of the computational efficiency of the algorithms on n is studied.
Convergence of randomized spectral models of homogeneous vector fields is studied in the sense of convergence in distribution in a uniform metric of the Banach space of continuous functions. Under quite moderate restrictions on the parameters of the spectral model, weak convergence to a Gaussian…
The paper contains the results of time constant calculations for the process of particle breeding. The calculations are based on the estimates of parametric derivatives of the particle flux. The transfer process of radiation is assumed to be stationary.
Attention! Please, also see this article.
In this paper some methods of statistical simulation of non-Gaussian non-stationary scalar and vectorial processes and non-homogeneous spatial fields with continuous argument on the basis of synthesis of discrete models and models on point fluxes are considered.
Numerical models of vector-valued random fields are extensively used in solving applied problems. These models have become the subject of many investigations. The paper deals with methods of numerical modeling of homogeneous vector-valued random fields based on the spectral decomposition. General…
New probabilistic representations for systems of elliptic equations are constructed in the form of expectations over the Markov chains. It is shown that this approach gives the effective Monte Carlo algorithms even in the cases, where the classical probabilistic representation based on the Wiener…
Numerical stochastic procedures for estimating integrals depending on parameter are considered. The discrete mesh on the domain of definition of parameter is introduced, and the Monte Carlo algorithms for estimating integral in mesh points are used. The independent Monte Carlo estimates and the…
New numerical method for approximating two-dimensional flow field for the viscous incompressible fluid in the vicinity of the flat boundary is introduced. Using the vorticity formulation of the Prandtl equation we come to the heat equation with nonlinear right-hand side. We consider various boundary…
The article is devoted to the new Monte Carlo method for the calculation of covariance function of the solution of biharmonic equation when its right-hand side is a random field. The comparison of this method with the randomization algorithm of the Monte Carlo method is presented. The numerical…