Systems for reception and recording of vibroseismic signals

Reception and recording systems called VIRS-M and ROSA developed at the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (ICM&MG), SB RAS, are considered in this paper. They are designed for scientific investigations of vibroseismic fields and calibration of seismic stations and…

On one numerical algorithm of seismic networks planning

The paper is dealt with a brief statement of a basis of the theory of optimal planning of seismic networks. Some concepts of such a planning of seismic networks are given. Some specific formulations of problems of planning of seismic networks are presented. A numerical algorithm of constructing…

Experimental research on calibration of seismic traces

It is known that a key to efficiency of functioning of the International Seismic Monitoring System (ISMS) is the definition of the location and identification of a source of seismic waves. The priority issues are those of increasing the accuracy of solving these problems. Here errors in the…

Application of vibroseismic oscillations for time synchronization of self-contained deep-water stations

It is well known that the self-contained deep-water stations (ADS) are widely accepted in the tasks of the World Ocean monitoring. Various information about physical fields is collected via the ADS network, distributed throughout the ocean floor. The information from each ADS is clocked with its…

Simulation of a superpower shaft hydroresonance vibrational source

The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling of superpower vibrational sources for the global tomography of the Earth. A hydroresonance scheme of a seismovibrator is considered, in which an oscillating in the vertical shaft liquid column with the mass of several tens…

Realization and testing a wave analog of the common depth point method on synthetic and field data

Realization of the Wave Analog of the Common Depth Point Method (WCDP) is described. This method is one of numerous employed in seismic data processing and is based on the "rigorous" mathematical solution of the inverse scattering problem in linear approximation by multiple overlapping data. The…

Using of nonlinear regression with fuzzy input data for analysis of seismisity

A variant of modified training functional that allows considering fuzzy input data is suggested. A limiting case when a part of input data is completely undefined, and, therefore, a problem of reconstruction of hidden parameters should be solved, is also considered. Some numerical experiments are…

On the surface hitting in the receivers by the ray method in 3D-layered homogenous media

Optimization methods of the solution of inverse kinematic problems, have gained importance in the last few years. Such methods demand fast algorithms of ray tracing from a given position of the source to a given series of the points, forming a set (generally speaking, two-dimensional) of the…

Reconstruction of the initial tsunami waveform by the coastal observations inversion

The paper deals with the reconstruction of the original tsunami waveform in the source area records from the waves observed on a set of the coastal wave gauges. The wave propagation is described by the linearized shallow-water equations when depth depends on one variable. The direct problem is…