We generalize the notion of formula rewriting systems proposed in the prelim¬inary work, extend the class of such systems and expand our previous results for the new class. We demonstrate that the well-known techniques of formula simpli¬fication can be represented in terms of this formalism and…
Our aim is to validate distributed systems which are described by means of Estelle. This paper describes a procedure of translating the Estelle specifications into colored Petri nets extended by the priorities and Merlin’s time concepts. The considered specifications are based on standard Estelle…
The XDS-COM toolkit provides a language binding of the Microsoft COM to Oberon-2/Modula-2. It can be used to develop both COM clients and servers. Mul¬tiple interfaces of a single object are created in a natural way. The XDS-COM does not introduce any language extensions but extensively uses the…
The paper is contributed to develop a family of equivalence notions for real¬time systems represented by labelled Merlin’s time Petri nets with zero length time intervals (i.e., with fixed time delays). We call them “timed Petri nets”. In particular, we introduce timed (time-sensitive), untimed…
A knowledge representation language based on integration of such means as frames, semantic networks, production rules, subdefinite computational models, and methods of constraint programming are considered. An important feature of this language is the possibility of operating with objects which can…
An approach to the object-oriented specification by typed Gurevich machines is proposed in the paper. The approach is based on considering an object update as a transition from one algebra of a given signature to another of the same signature. Each object possesses a state and a unique identifier…