Two models of an artificial biological cell, built in a fine-grain structure, are presented. They can be elements of computing structures that mimic the properties of living organisms - growth, self-reproduction, self-healing. The models are built on the basis of the Parallel Substitution Algorithm…
The CA-model was modified in order to take into account the birthrates seasonal dependency and the influence of water streams on movements of organisms. The model was verified within the production-to-biomass and the relative average quantity criteria. A difference in the verification results and…
Simulating large-scale phenomena by Cellular Automata (CA) meets the problem of designing CA models that could be efficiently implemented on supercomputers with distributed memory. Since most of large-scale spatially distributed processes contain diffusion as a component which takes a significant…
A two-layer cellular automata (CA) model of carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation reaction on platinum is developed and investigated. The reaction in non-equilibrium conditions can be accompanied by various spatio-temporal patterns such as surface waves, spirals and turbulences. A two-layer CA is a…
We consider the single-particle HPPrp Lattice Gas Cellular Automata for simulation of modeling wave processes. The HPPrp Cellular Automaton is defined on a two-dimensional square lattice. Each cell of the automaton contains particles of the two types: the moving particles and the rest particles…
In this paper, we present a new network reliability measure that is useful to evaluate performance of ad hoc networks with imperfect nodes and perfectly reliable links. An ad hoc network is modeled as undirected probabilistic graph. A specific feature of our model is that a network contains…
This paper selects constructions used in a group of algorithms for undirected graphs represented as a list of edges and their weights on a model of associative (content addressable) parallel systems with vertical processing (the STAR-machine). To this end, the paper first analyzes the implementation…
Recently, hybrid (GPU-equipped) supercomputers have attained a very high performance level. The fact is, the solution of real physical problems with such supercomputers is restricted by the GPU programming complexity.
In order to simplify the development of high-performance plasma physics codes for…
We consider the application of wavelet transform and neural networks to solving the problem of defect detection (the lack of elements and the presence of adhesions elements) in multi-element photodetectors by processing their images. It is shown that both methods can be successfully applied to the…
An algorithm for counting the erythrocytes on low-contrast images of cytological preparations is proposed. The algorithm deals with low-contrast images: brightness histogram normalization, contrast stretching, and background alignment by the “top of hat” method. Erythrocytes are detected by the…
The MinCDE protein complex is present in Escherichia coli and some other bacteria. In vivo, the MinCDE prevents incorrect cell division. In vitro, the MinCDE forms the protein waves and some other patterns. Recently, a hypothesis has been proposed, which says that self-organization in the MinCDE…