Currently, vibroseismic method for the Earth’s Sounding (VES) is in most common use in solution of a great number of the geophysical tasks, such as vibroseismic monitoring of seismic-prone zones, seismic tomography, calibration sounding of seismic traces and seismic stations for increasing of the accuracy of definition of the coordinates of earthquakes and nuclear explosions, etc. The solution to such problems is connected with considerable expenditures of energy consumption exceeding 6 x 106 wt-hours with sounding at distances greater 1000 km. This follows from covering the given graph of damping of amplitudes of the waves P depending on the distance with the values of the energy, consumed by the vibrator for separation of the wave P in the vibrational seismogram obtained for a distance of 320 km. The wave amplitude exceeds the mean quadratic value of noise by the factor of 5-6 in this case. Based on the well-known damping law it is possible to assess the consumed energy depending on distance for the proper separation of the wave P. The minimization of energy consumption with the given quality of operation of the system VES is a permanently actual task. In this paper, the ways of solution of the formulated problem by methods of optimization of structure and parameters of the system VES are analyzed.
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