On one model of solute transport in poroelastic shale

A chemically inert deformable rock is considered, taking into account only changes in stress and pore pressure: the chemistry of a porous fluid has no direct effect on deformation. Accounting the chemical effects leads to changes in the pore pressure and in the strain of rocks. This theory is…

The "orbital" hypothesis of cosmogenic impact on the relief and geodynamics of the Earth

On many territories of the Earth, the unnaturally at extended surface areas are observed that are geomorphologically expressed relative to the adjacent areas and resembling a pattern of a planed-down tree in satellite images. A new hypothesis is proposed, explaining the formation of such a pattern…

Thermodynamically consistent model of shale swelling around a cylindrical wellbore

A modified version of the linear poroelasticity theory described by three elastic parameters is applied to shale swelling with an aqueous electrolyte. It is assumed that the shale behaves as an isotropic, ideal ionic membrane, and in this case, swelling depends only on the total stress and on the…

The solution of one overdetermined stationary system arising in an incompressible two-fluid medium in a half-space

We have considered the classical solution in the half-space of the second boundary value problem for an overdetermined stationary system of second order equations arising in a two-fluid medium with phase equilibrium in pressure. The solution is constructed using the Fourier transform apparatus. The…

Numerical modeling of the long wave passing above the submerged barrier

The new method for the numerical simulation of partial reflection of the long waves off the submerged vertical barrier was developed and tested. This method is based on the inner boundary condition which takes into account the wave energy loss due to such a kind of reflection. The method was…

A technique of searching for ancient meteorite craters by behind-crater rings and other secondary signs inherited in the landscape

A technique that allows by secondary signs finding and determining the size of impact craters with a diameter exceeding 5 kilometers, whose profile has been erased by erosion processes or hidden with sediment cover is proposed.

Determination of the optimal inversion parameters in recovering the 2015 Illapel Chile Tsunami source by the r-solution method

This paper highlights the influence of the model parametrization, including the sea level recorders localization and source discretization, on the tsunami source inversion. Modeling the initial water displacement in the tsunami source area is based on the least square inversion and a truncated…

Group classification of a one-dimensional nonlinear poroelasticity equation

This paper studies a class of second order partial differential equations utt = f(ux)uxx + g(ut) arising in poroelasticity theory with arbitrary functions f(ux) and g(ut), using the group classification. It is shown that the principal Lie algebra of infinitely infinitesimal symmetries is three…