Calculation of a uniform gas ow from the heated tungsten plate surface

At INP SB RAS, various mechanisms for the erosion of tungsten samples
during the pulsed heating were studied. Data were obtained that made it
possible to analyze the experimental results of the surface temperature dynamics
taking into account the cooling due to the vaporation in vacuum. A numerical…

The simulation of a laminar ow in a local constriction of a pipe by a cellular automaton

A two-dimensional case of the process of laminar flow passing through
a pipe constriction is investigated. The two-dimensional statement corresponds
to the case with a three-dimensional flow between two parallel planes. A cellular
automaton model of a flow is used, which has an integer alphabet of…

Using GPU for the network reliability evaluation by Monte Carlo method

The problem of the network reliability calculation is studied. As the
network reliability we mean the classical reliability measure, i.e. the network probabilistic connectivity. It is assumed that the network has unreliable communication
links and perfectly reliable nodes. The problem of computing…

The ontology design for solving computational plasma physics problems on supercomputers

Computational plasma physics problems are a wide field with its own
hardware, software and scheduling strategies. There is a set of physical phenonena,
mathematical equations, numerical approaches, programming strategies and architecture concepts directly followed by each other. This means that an…

Quantization of weights in capsule neural networks

The influence of the weight quantization levels number on a capsule
neural network functioning quality is studied. The network is tested on the MNIST
dataset recognition. It is shown that to achieve the performance of the network
with continuous weights it is enough to have 16 levels of uniform…