Cross-lingual entity resolution and its applications

Nowadays, entity resolution is being intensively investigated in the context of the integration of heterogeneous data sets. Collecting data from heterogeneous data sets and integrating them in a query able environment increases completeness and correctness as well as ensures a more effective…

Notes on implementing the ksmt-solver

In this paper we report on new black-box and white-box approaches implemented in ksmt-solver for checking satisfiability of non-linear constraints over the reals. These approaches are applicable to a large number of constraints involving computable non-linear functions, piecewise polynomial splines…

Transition system semantics for flow event structures

In this paper, we deal with event-oriented models of concurrent processes which are generalizations of the well-studied model of prime event structures. In particular, we translate flow event structures into structures for resolvable conflict (the most expressive event-oriented model) and back…

State space reduction for time Petri nets with weak semantics

We consider the time Petri nets (an extension of Petri nets), where every transition has its time interval. The policies of time-elapsing and the memory policies define different semantics for time Petri nets. The decidability of many standard problems with an infinite discrete structure depends on…

Analysis of RC4 encryption algorithm

The most important and cryptographically significant goal of a stream cipher is to produce a pseudorandom sequence of bits or words using a fixed length secret key, often paired with a fixed length public initialization vector. Over the last three decades of research and development in stream…