Novosibirsk programming school: a historical overview

The paper gives the background and history of the foundation, in 1990, of the Institute of Informatics Systems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IIS SB RAS). The institute is rightfully considered the successor to the academic tradition of the Novosibirsk programming school created by…

Domain-specific transition systems and their application to a formal definition of a model programming language

The paper presents a new object model of domain-specific transition systems, a formalism designed for the specification and validation of formal methods for assuring software reliability. A formal definition of a model programming language is given on the basis of this model.

Сross-language identity resolution and approaches to its solution

This paper describes approaches to the vocabulary normalization and cross-language identity resolution problems that arise when the LOD datasets are used to populate the content of scholarly knowledge bases. We have proposed several new heuristics, using additional information extracted from the…

The methods of estimation of the degree of similarity of sentences in a natural language based on the link grammar

The paper describes the methods of comparison of the sentences in a natural language for estimation of their similarity. To solve this problem, it is possible to use the semantic-syntactical relations between words constructed by the software system Link Grammar Parser. The results of our research…

Deductive formal verification of search programs in arrays of arbitrary size for abstract register machines

The random-access machine invented by Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman is one of the several known versions of abstract register machines, which are an important computation model. Using a formal framework developed for this architecture in our previous work, we consider a challenging example – a search…

Experiments on self-applicability in the C-light verification system. Part 2

Successful development of the theoretical foundations of C program verification in the project C-light allowed us to address an interesting practical task. We would like to develop a self-applicable verification system for C programs. The first step towards this goal was a series of experiments to…

An approach to construction and analysis of a corpus of short Russian texts intended to train a sentiment classifier

The paper describes a method for construction and annotation of a cor- pus of short texts made up on the basis of Russian posts from Twitter. This corpus is intended to train a sentiment classifier that sorts the general topic texts into three classes: "positive", "negative", and "neutral". The…

Ontology-based constructing and maintaining of Wiki-systems

The paper discusses the problems of the development and maintenance of information systems on the basis of ontology and Wiki-technology. In particular, an approach including the method of constructing information systems using Wikitechnology and ontology of subject domain and the method of ontology…

Alias calculus for a simple imperative language with decidable pointer arithmetic

Alias calculus was proposed by Bertrand Meyer in 2011 for a toy programming language with a single data type for abstract pointers. This original calculus is a set-based formalism insensitive to the control flow; it is a set of syntaxdriven rules how to compute an upper approximation aft(S, P) for…

SWORD: Genetic algorythm tool for protein-RNA interaction motifs recognition

Recognition of potential for protein-RNA interaction is an important problem in bioinformatics. The solution may present a clue for understanding gene regulation. Formalization of the problem leads to in silico search for a complex motif in the 15-letter UIPAC alphabet in RNA sequences considering…

Visual Graph: an interactive system for the visualization of hierarchical attributed graphs

The paper presents information about the development of the Visual Graph system, its application area, as well as the main problems encountered during the system design and their solutions.