The paper is contributed to study an operator for refinement of actions to be used in the design of concurrent real time systems. The refinement operator replaces actions on a given level of abstraction by more complicated processes on a lower level. We define this operator on a causality based…
In this article we consider requirements to visualization of semantic properties of programs appearing in the reengineering process when use of hierarchical ordering is an appropriate way to visualize the information of interest. We consider two algorithms of graph placement that implement…
In this paper we present a linear constraint solver for the UniCalc system, an environment for reliable solution of mathematical modeling problems.
The paper presents a model of adaptive behavior of an autonomous adaptive agent (an artificial organism) based on the semantic probabilistic inference and the functional system theory by P.K. Anokhin. The main distinction of this model is the possibility for automatic generation of new subgoals…
A timed extension of weak trace equivalence is developed for a model of timed event structures. Moreover, a category-theoretic characterization of this equivalence based on a span of open maps is specified. Finally, the problem of decidability of weak trace equivalence is solved in the setting of…
Finding shortest paths in a weighted graph is a fundamental and well studied problem in computer science. Such a problem arises in practice in different application settings.
This paper considers theoretical background and experimental compar- ison of two approaches to automatic recognition of tabular property of superintu- itionistic logics. A principle opportunity for automatization is based on theoretical results of L.L. Maksimova that were obtained in 1973{2003 and…
The paper describes equivalent transformations of Sisal 3.1 language structures in detail. The programming language Sisal 3.1 is based on Sisal 90. Transformations are aimed to to decomposition of complex language structures into more simple ones that can be directly expressed by an internal…
In the last decades, a number of stochastic enrichments of process algebras was constructed to specify stochastic processes within the well-developed framework of algebraic calculi. In [26], a continuous time stochastic extension of finite Petri box calculus (PBC) was proposed and called sPBC. The…