
In this paper, the criteria for determining a ballistic trajectory location of the Popigai cosmic body (PCB) are revised. It is concluded that this trajectory was directed not from the NE to the SW as was believed earlier, but from the SE to the NW. With this orientation, there is a close spatial relationship between the PCB trajectory and the Ortho-Yarginsk and the Starorechensk diatreme fields on the Anabar anteclise eastern slope, which suggests that their age is the same as that of the Popigai event.

Numerous morphological elements of the astroblemes that are undamaged from erosion indicate to the position of the ballistic trajectory of their formed cosmic body (CB). They include klippens, distant scattered materials out of crater and, partially, allogenic breccias. Let us examine these elements based on the "Popigai" meteorite crater, as an example.

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