The phenomenon of intensive acoustic wave excitation by surface explosion sources is known in seismology and seismic prospecting geophysics. The sound impulse from explosion propagating along the Earth's surface induces elastic surface waves. They are recorded on seismograms with arrival times equal to the travel time of acoustic wave from the explosion point to the recording point. Experimental data show that the amplitude of elastic surface wave induced by acoustic impulse at distances of 0.5-3 km is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than the amplitudes of longitudinal and transverse seismic waves from explosion. These waves are identified by arrival times and are excluded from processing by special methods. Modeling of the propagation process of acoustic impulse from explosion and induction of surface waves are considered in many scientific papers. The results of experimental investigations of the radiation processes and interaction of the acoustic and seismic fields generated from powerful vibroseismic sources of the low-frequency range are presented.
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