
The history of informatics in the leading countries as well as our twelve-year experience shows that the initial stage of the computerization era is practically connected with the level of the computer competence. Educational informatics provides elementary computer knowledge. This course should be based on a special concept (model) of teaching.

Educational informatics can be considered as an elementary subject (such as mathematics, physics, biology), but it has two peculiarities which should be taken into consideration:

  • methodological and technological base and methods of teaching are being rapidly changed;
  • it needs a permanent support by special technical, language and programming means. So, the chosen model of teaching and the implementation of its program-language support should take into account these peculiarities.

We present one of the educational informatics models and introduce the ways of developing the program-language complex (PLC) aimed to support this model. The paper consists of two parts and a conclusion. The first part deals with the description of a model of teaching informatics. The peculiarities of the development of PLC components are introduced in the second part.

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