Aims and Scope
The Bulletin of NCC is an international journal in the areas of Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputing, Theoretical Computer Science, and Applications of Computer Technologies. The Bulletin is a peer reviewed journal which covers the latest and most compelling research of the time.
The journal introduces an up-to-date trend concerning forefront researches in the field of high technologies and modern applications of computers, provides space for original and novel ideas, outlines some present research activities, forecasts future research areas, discusses some research topics, and presents high-level research papers and interesting reviews.
The Bulletin of NCC is a regular English edition of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (the former Computing Center) and A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). Both Institutes are based in Novosibirsk, Russia.
The Bulletin publishes original preselected papers. A few special issues are proceedings of international and regional conferences. In dynamically changing areas, experimental and implementation works are very important; hence, the journal also covers practical techniques in computer systems. The journal may be of interest for researchers, practitioners, educators, and students.
The Bulletin is included in the journal catalogue of the eLIBRARY.RU digital resource.
The Bulletin is issued in 4 parallel series:
- Numerical Analysis
- Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics
- Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies
- Computer Science
In each series at least one issue is published per year. Additional issues may include proceedings of conferences, monographs or be dedicated to special scientific events. Until 2016, every printed issue was circulated to large research libraries and leading universities.
Main topics
Series “Numerical Analysis”
numerical algebra, approximation theory, finite element and difference methods, ordinary and partial differential equations, stochastic modeling, Monte Carlo methods, symbolic computations, dynamic systems, supercomputing, computations on graphical processors and hybrid multiprocessor systems, modeling in mechanics and mathematical physics
Series “Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics”
seismic waves propagation, seismic prospecting, inverse problems and its applications, vibroseismic research, natural hazards
Series “Numerical Modeling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment Studies”
computational aspects, regional and small scale models and parameterizations, climate models and sensitivity studies, ocean modeling, environmental problems and modeling in ecology, biology, sociology and economics
Series “Computer Science”
theory of parallel and distributed computations, parallel architectures, design and analysis of parallel algorithms, programming languages, pattern recognition and image processing, computer graphics and geometric modeling, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, system and software engineering, theoretical aspects of computer science